111 Important Literary Terms and Their Inventors ( Who Coined Those) in Literature

111 Important Literary Terms and Their Inventors ( Who Coined Those) in Literature


In this article I am going to light upon some important literary terms which are frequently used in English Literature and their inventors (who actually coined those terms). Hopefully this list will definitely help you to brush up your knowledge for different competitive exams:


1. Art for Art’s Sake by Victor Cousin

2. Dissociation of Sensibility by T.S.Eliot

3. Willing to Suspension of Disbelief by Coleridge

4. Negative Capability by John Keats

5. American Renaissance by F.O Matthiessen

6. Natyashastra by Bharata

7. Rasa concept by Bharata

8. Kavya Prakasha by Mamata

9. Dhvanyaloka or Suggestion by Anandvardhana

10. Vakrokti by Kuntaka

11. Riti, Guna, Kavyalankara by Vaman

12. Positivism by August Campte

13. Romantic by Friedrich Schlegel

14. Metaphysical Poets by Dr. Samuel Johnson

15. Upstart Crow is Robert Green

16. Cultural Materialism by Raymond Williams

17. Imagism by T.E.Hume

18. Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson

19. Horizon of Expectation by H.R.Jauss

20. Strategic Essentialism by Gayitri Spivak

21. Utilitarianism by J.S..Mill

22. Incunabula means Books published before 1501

23. Tension by Allen Tate

24. Strong Lined Poetry by G.M.Hopkins

25. Dictum ‘Life Imitates Art’ by John Ruskin

26. Theatre of Cruelty by Jerzy

27. Epic Theatre by Bertold Bretch

28. Theatre of Oppressed by Augusto Bal

29. Expressionist Theatre by George Kaiser

30. The Guilded Age by Mark Twain

31. Ambiguity by William Empson

32. Intertextuality by Julia Kristeva

33. Heteroglossia by M.Bakhtin

34. Dialogic Imagination by M. Bakhtin

35. Sublime by Longinus

36. Carnivalesque by M. Bakhtin

37. Jacobian Novel by Garry Kelly

38. Surrealism by Andre Breton

39. Decorum by Horace

40. The wasp of Twickenham by Pope

41. Theory of Avant Grade by Peter Berger

42. Chaucer of Scotland is William Dunbar

43. Poetic Justice by Rhymer

44. TouchStone method by M.Arnold

45. Pathetic Fallacy by John Ruskin

46. Theory of Population by Malthus

47. Provincialising Europe by Dipesh Chakravarthy

48. Egotistical Sublime is to William Wordsworth

49. Young Juvenile is Thomas Nash

50. Macabre element by John Webster

51. Sprung Rhythm and Curtal Sonnet and Inscape and
Instress are by G.M.Hopkins

52. Life Force by G.B.Shaw

53. Light of Asia is Admin Arnold

54. Only Connect by E.M.Forster

55. Sports of Time by W. Wordsworth

56. Orientalism by E.Said

57. Womanism by Alice Walker

58. Third Space by Edward Doha

59. Hybridity by Homi Bhaba

60. Reception aesthetics by Wolfgang User

61. Langue and Parole by Ferdinand Saussure

62. Interlanguage by M.A.K.Halliday

63. Difference and Defferecnce by Derrida

64. Signs by Saussure

65. Stock Responses by I.A.Richards

66. Deep Structure by N.Chomsky

67. Competency and Performance by N.Chomsky

68. Readerly and Writerly Text by R.Bathes

69. Ironic and Indexical by C.S.Pierce

70. Habitus by Julia Kristeva

72. Flaneur by Walter Benjamin

73. Chora by J.Kristeva

74. Simulacrum or Simulacra by Jean Baurdrillard

75. Subaltern by G.Spivak

76. Metahistory by Hayden White

77. Polyphony by M.Bakhtin

78. Hegemony by Antonio Gramsky

79. Theoretician of Sociability is Malcolm Braburry

80. New Historicism by Greenblatt


81. Feminism by Charles Fourier


82. Dadaism by Hugo Ball


83. Agnosticism by T. H. Huxley


84. Dalit by B. R. Ambedkar


85. Magic Realism by Franz Roh


86. Yahoo by Jonathan Swift


87. Pandemonium by John Milton


88. Feminist by Alexandre Dumas


89. Meme by Richard Dawkins


90. International by Jeremy Bentham


91. Realism by Champfleury


92. Theatre of Absurd by Martin Esslin


93. Utopia by Thomas More


94. Folklore by Willium Thomas


95. Gothic by John Giorgio Vasari


96. Objective Correlative by T.S.Eliot


97. Aesthetics by Alexander Baumgarten


98. Stream of Consciousness by William James


99. Bildungsroman by Karl Morgenstern


100. Problem Play by Sydney Grundy


101. Metaphysics by John Dryden


102. Metafiction by William Howard Gass


103. Poetic Justice by Thomas Rhymer


104. Deconstruction by Jacques Derrida


105. Affective Fallacy by W. K. Wimsatt and Munroe C. Beardsley


106. Intentional Fallacy by W. K. Wimsatt and Munroe C. Beardsley


107. University Wits by John Saintsbury


108. Sensuous by John Milton


109. Essai ( Eng. Essay) by Montaigne


110. Gynocentrism by Elaine Showalter 


111. Jazz Age by FScott Fitzgerald


 If any term is left don’t forget to mention in the comment section.


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