29 Important Pride and Prejudice Questions and Answers

29 Important Pride and Prejudice Questions and AnswersPride and Prejudice Questions and Answers

Q1. What is the effect when Mr. Bennet says that he has visited Mr. Bingley?

Ans. Although Mr. Bennet has rejected his wife’s suggestion that he should visit Mr. Bingley, in reality he loses no time in paying a social visit to that man who has taken residence at Netherfield Park. When he discloses the matter, there is a lot of excitement in the family. Mrs. Bennet appreciates her husband’s behaviour and for making an acquaintance with Mr. Bingley. Mrs. Bennet wishes that Mr. Bingley would choose Lydia as his would be wife and he may dance with her at a ball. Lydia is also one step forward to accept these two ideas as told by her mother. Even, Lydia feels pride about this matter.

Q 2. What does Darcy say about Elizabeth at the ball and how does the latter accept it?

Ans. Mr. Darcy is not very interested in dancing as he thinks that none of Mr. Bennet’s daughters suits him as a partner. He speaks disparagingly about Elizabeth, and says that she is not so charming as to attract him. Mr. Bingley, on the contrary says that Elizabeth is a very pretty girl. Darcy replies that Elizabeth is undoubtedly handsome but not so handsome as to tempt him. But, overhearing this remark, Elizabeth feels very annoyed with Mr. Darcy. Mr. Bingley two times dances with Jane Bennet. But, a big void is created between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth who however, goes on regarding Mr. Darcy in a positively negative attitude.

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Q 3. How does Jane admire Mr. Bingley?

Ans. While talking to Elizabeth privately, Jane expresses a great admiration for Mr. Bingley. She says that Mr. Bingley is sensible, good-humoured and lively. She says that he had danced with her twice and it was a great compilation to her from him. Elizabeth says that Jane praises everybody and finds faults with none. However, Jane also informs her that the man had inherited from his father a huge property hundred thousand pounds and he would probably buy a manor as 800an as possible or permanently reside Netherfield Park.

Q 4. How do Mr. Bingley and Darcy react to the assembly?

Ans. Having attended the assembly at Meryton, Mr. Bingley and Darcy react in different way about the people they met there. Bingley says that the people at the assembly are very nice and the Bennet girls were the prettiest he had ever seen in his life. He says that everybody was very kind and attentive to him and there was no formality and no stiffness. Indeed, he was full of admiration for Jane. But, Darcy on the other hand, had found the people of the assembly to be lacking in beauty and fashion. He almost failed to feel any interest about anyone. Even, he got no attention from anybody and had found me pleasure in anyone’s company. He was not even attracted by Miss Jane Bennet also. Even, the presence of Elizabeth was nothing to him. Though they are two intimate friends, they are different in their outlook about assembly.

Q 5. How is Darcy’s attitude towards Elizabeth changed?

Ans. Mr. Darcy who had spoken obliquely about Elizabeth at the first assembly, begins to feel some emotional interest in her. Primarily, he told Mr. Bingley that there is nothing attractive or charming in Elizabeth. But very soon, he begins to feel that. Elizabeth has a beautiful expression in her dark eyes and this expression in her eyes makes her look exceptionally intelligent. He tells Miss Bingley that he had discovered that a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can prove to be a source of great pleasure to him. But, hearing that Elizabeth is this lady, Miss Bingley is fully surprised But, Elizabeth is totally ignorant of this fact and continues to disregard Mr. Darcy.

Q6. Describe the financial condition of the Bennet family.

Ans. Mr. Bennet’s property consists of entirely an estate providing an income of two thousand pounds a year. But, there is a snag about this state. This property had been entailed on a distant relation because Mr. Bennet has no male heir upon whom the property could have been bestowed. Mr. Bennet has five daughters and no son. This means that, on the death of Mr. Bennet the entire property would automatically pass into the hand of Mr. Collins, a male relative on whom it had been entailed. This is beyond doubt a bleak prospect of the family.

Q 7. Why do Elizabeth and Jane stay at Netherfield Park?

Ans. One morning an invitation came from Miss Bingley inviting Jane to a dinner. Jane was informed that many 1st class people also were invited in this dinner. Everybody in the Bennet family is happy with this information. Due to poor economy, Jane has to ride on horseback to reach Netherfield Park. It begins to rain just after Jane has left. She gets thoroughly wet and has caught a cold and is unable to come back home in the next morning. She writes a note for Elizabeth informing her present condition. Mrs. Bennet thinks that during this stay, Jane should be much more familiar with Mr. Bingley. However, Elizabeth thinks that she should go and keep company with Jane who is now ill. But, Jane’s condition gradually gets worse and the doctor advises for complete rest. So, Jane and Elizabeth had no alternative but to stay at Netherfield Park.

Q8. What type of lady is Mrs. Bennet?

Ans. Mrs. Bennet is a comic character. She behaves and talks humorously. She says that Jane should not be removed from Netherfield Park as she is too ill, although Miss Bingley dislikes Elizabeth who is now staying with Jane. She interprets Miss Bingley’s cold activity as warm activity and offers profuse thanks to her. She speaks candidly no matter who is present. At the same time, she has some sensible ideas. She is not awed by Darcy’s reserved manner She admire Sir William Lucas but speaks in a hateful style about Lucas’ daughters compared to her own daughters She says that Lucas girls are very good indeed but they are not handsome. Even she goes on praising Jane’s beauty as it is done by others.

 Q 9. How does Mr. Collins want to get reconciled with Me Bennet?

Ans. In a letter written from Hunsford, Mr. Collins deplores the fact that differences had existed between his dead father and Mr. Bennet and says that he would like to heal the breach which now exists between himself and the Bennet family. He further writes that, as a clergyman, he regards it as his duty to promote and establish peace and harmony in all the families within the reach of his influence. Finally, he writes that he would call on Mr. Bennet on the next Monday and stay with his family for a full week. Even, he is ready to marry one daughter of Mr. Bennet as a compensation of the loss of entire Bennet property which is to pass on to him.

 Q 10. How does Mr. Collins praise Lady Catherine?

Ans. After the dinner is over, Mr. Collins informs the Bennet family that he is extremely lucky to have won the favour of Lady Catherine. Mr. Collins grows eloquent in praise of that lady. She had appointed him as the rector of his parish and she felt much pleased with the sermons which he had delivered in the church and to which she had listened graciously. Collins says that he was invited to dinner twice by her at Rosings Park. Lady Catherine also asked him to join the game of cards at her residence. To him, Lady Catherine is not proud though other people think her to be proud. He goes on to say that Lady Catherine has a daughter who is very charming. To him, this girl is but a duchess. In this way, Mr. Collins praises the glamour of Lady Catherine but this description gives rise to a thought in Mr. Bennet’s mind that Mr. Collins prefers flattery.

 Q 11. What charges does Wickham bring against Mr. Darcy?

Ans. While talking to Wickham, Elizabeth brings charges again Mr. Darcy and calls him to be a proud man. Hereafter Wickham gets a chance to aggravate Elizabeth against Darcy, Wickham says that Darcy’s father was an excellent man but Darcy himself is an odious man. He says that he himself has suffered a lot at Darcy’s hands. He also says that he has every reason to feel grateful to Darcy’s late father but Darcy’s treatment of him has been thoroughly scandalous. Mr. Wickham then goes on to say that he had never aimed at a military career but that he had been compelled to join the militia because he had been deprived of a church career by Mr. Darcy.

Q 12. Why does Mr. Collins propose to marry Elizabeth?

Ans. Mr. Collins makes a proposal to marry Elizabeth for three reasons. Firstly, he thinks it is the right thing for every clergyman in his circumstances to set an example of matrimony in his parish. Secondly, he is sure that marriage will very greatly add to his happiness. Thirdly, it is the particular advice and recommendation of Lady Catherine, his patroness that he should get married. He also tells Elizabeth that before coming to Longbourn, he had decided to choose a wife from amongst the daughters of Mr. Bennet. As he has to inherit Mr. Bennet’s estate, he will otherwise deprive the Bennet family from their own property. So, marrying one of the Bennet sisters, he would like to compensate this loss. Collins also expresses his view not to take any dowry from Mr. Bennet due to his poor financial condition but proposes to marry Elizabeth.

Q 13. Why is Mrs. Bennet annoyed with Elizabeth ?

Ans. Mrs. Bennet feels greatly annoyed with Elizabeth, when she learns that the latter has rejected Collins’ proposal of marriage. But to save the situation, she tells Mr. Collins that somehow she and her husband would prevail upon Elizabeth to accept Mr. Collins’ proposal. She is surprised to think that even Mr. Bennet supports his daughter. But taking the entire matter in her own hands, she talks to Elizabeth, coaxes her and alternately threatens her. She wants Jane’s support in this matter. Even she asks the help of Charlotte Lucas and warns Elizabeth that if the latter goes on refusing every offer of marriage in this way, she would never get a husband at all. However, Mr. Collins himself requests Mrs. Bennet not to put any pressure on Elizabeth.

Q 14. How is Jane’s matrimonial hope dwindled?

Ans. Jane is expecting that very soon Mr. Bingley would propose marriage to her. But, a letter is sent by Miss Bingley who has made it clear in that letter that Bingley is desirous of marrying Darcy’s sister, Georgiana. Elizabeth can’t believe this and says that it a plan of Bingley sisters against them. She hopes that Mr. Bingley would surely propose marriage to Jane. But, if Mr. Bingley does not return to Netherfield Park throughout the winter, there would be no personal contact between her and him and therefore the chance of Mr. Bingley’s getting married to Jane is sure to dwindle and die. Yet, Jane is happy as Elizabeth emphetically says that Miss Bingley would fail in her plans and Bingley is expected to return to Netherfield Park.

Q 15. How does Charlotte accept Collins’ marriage proposal?

Ans. Mr. Collins visits Charlottle Lucas without the knowledge of Bennet family. Collins had found her to be quite encouraging on the previous day and so now he makes a proposal of marriage to her with a certain degree of confidence. Charlotte readily accepts it and her parents give their consent. Everybody in the Lucas family is in a jubilant mood hearing this information. Charlotte herself is extremely happy as she is already 27 years old and she does not have much beauty to boast of. In that case, by marrying Mr. Collins she will get a strong future as her would be husband is undoubtedly a rich person and he would get the entire Bennet property in near future. So, she accepts Collins proposal of marriage.

Q 16. What did Mrs. Gardiner advise Elizabeth regarding Wickham?

Ans. Mrs. Gardiner, on learning that Elizabeth has been feeling a great admiration for Wickham, warns Elizabeth against any haste in agreeing to marry Wickham if the latter proposes marriage to her. She clearly advices Elizabeth that neither she nor Wickham has any fortune and therefore, their married life may be unhappy. Elizabeth agrees with her aunt and says that she will show no haste in her manners and certainly she will try to conquer her affection and admiration for Wickham.

Q 17. What information were provided by Colonel Fitzwilliam to Elizabeth?

Ans. One day, Elizabeth met Fitzwilliam by chance and the latter gave some important information to her. She learned from him that probably Darcy would leave Hunsford and go back to London. He told her that his own movements from one place to another is determined by Darcy’s decisions. He also tells that being the younger son of a Lord, he will not inherit much ancestral property and therefore he will try to get married to such a woman who can bring rich dowry. He is a joint guardian of Georgiana Darcy. But the man gave a vital information that shocked Elizabeth. He tells her that Mr. Darcy dissuaded Mr. Bingley from getting married to a woman whom he wanted to marry. Elizabeth is now sure that Darcy is fully responsible for destroying Jane’s matrimonial hopes.

Q 18. Why does Elizabeth negate Darcy’s proposal of marriage?

Ans. One evening, suddenly Darcy tells Elizabeth that he has failed to overcome his feelings. He is deeply in love with Elizabeth and wants to marry her in spite of her social inferiority and social status. But his love for her is so intense that all the considerations are pushed back. But, Elizabeth feels insulted by these words of Darcy and rejects the proposal referring to some other aspects. She says that he dissuaded Bingley from marrying Jane. As a result of this she is now in a tragic situation. Moreover, she refers that Darcy treated Wickham in a rough way for which he has been deprived of great prosperity in life. Then, Elizabeth declares that it is impossible for her to marry Darcy who is not really good in his conduct with others. But, Elizabeth is somehow misguided by Wickham, of which she is ignorant.

 Q 19. How does Darcy describe Wickham’s past life?

Ans. Mr. Darcy gives a detailed account of how he had initially treated Wickham with utmost kindness and generosity as he was the son of a man who served Darcy’s father faithfully as a steward. But, Darcy hates Wickham for the dissolute life the latter lives. Darcy thought that Wickham is not fit to be a clergyman. So, he helped Wickham with 3000 pounds to enable him to study law but Wickham merely squandered the money got from Darcy. Then, Wickham requested Darcy to make him a rector, which Darcy rejected cleanly as Wickham was not worthy of being a clergyman. Even Wickham prevailed upon his sister Georgiana for an elopement. But, somehow getting the information in time, he saved his sister from a sure future disaster. Therefore, Darcy thinks that he has done nothing wrong with Wickham.

20. How does Darcy confess his role in Bingley-Jane love affair?

Ans. Darcy hands over a letter to Elizabeth, where Darcy has confessed his role in Bingley-Jane love-affair. It is rather a reply to the charges that Elizabeth had brought against him the previous day. First, he explains why he had prevailed upon Bingley to give up his intention to marry Jane. Darcy says that Bingley loved Jane too much but Jane did not show this. Realising this attitude of Jane that she doesn’t deeply love Bingley, Darcy thought it proper to dissuade Bingley from marrying Jane. Darcy also admits in the letter that he had been responsible even for preventing Bingley from meeting Jane when Jane was staying with her uncle and aunt in London.

21. What is the effect of Darcy’s letter on Elizabeth?

Ans. Though Darcy’s letter has deeply affected Elizabeth, she feels disappointed as Darcy has not expressed any regret for his role in Bingley-Jane love affair. She sees that the letter written in a haughty mood. However, she feels shocked by the misdeeds of Wickham, his extravagance, profligacy etc. She makes out Wickham loves Miss King out of greed only. She thinks that Wickham is a money-minded man. She can’t understand why once Wickham had been trying to give her the impression that he was in love with her. Having no fortune of her own, why she had become an object of his regard and attention, is not clear to her.

Q 22. Describe the conjugal life of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet.

Ans. Mr. Bennet married his wife, getting captivated by her youthful beauty but later he found her to be a lady of weak intelligence and narrow mind. So, Mr. Bennet’s hope of a happy married life is dashed to the ground early in their marriage. His domestic happiness comes to nothing due to Mrs. Bennet. So, now, his only pleasure is the books. Now, he derives some amusement from his wife’s sheer ignorance and folly, Elizabeth feels uneasy for the life their parents are leading. But, she feels pleasure when her father makes fun at her mother. Even she is disappointed for the problem of marriage, the Bennet sisters are feeling.

Q 23. Describe Lydia’s elopement with Mr. Wickham.

Ans. While Elizabeth is staying at Lambton with her uncle and aunt, she receives a few letters from Jane. Jane has written that Lydia had eloped with Wickham and in time of her departure she had written a brief letter to Mrs. Forster, informing her that she was running away with Wickham to Gretna Green in order to get married. Jane has also written that according to Mr. Denny, Wickham’s friend, Wickham had no intention to marry Lydia and he had forced Lydia probably to run away with him, his actual purpose being only to satisfy his lust for her Colonel Forster has also informed that Wickham will only seduce Lydia and nothing According to the letters of Jane, Mr. Bennet has gone to London to try to trace Lydia.

Q 24. What are Wickham’s terms for marrying Lydia?

Ans. In a letter, Mr. Gardiner informs Mr. Bennet that he has been able to meet Lydia and Wickham who are now standing in London. They have not yet got married, Gardiner writes Wickham might agree to marry Lydia in case Mr. Benne accepts Wickham’s terms on which he is ready to marry the girl. Wickham wants that Mr. Bennet should give Lydia her equal share of 5000 pounds which the Bennet girls are to receive at the death of their parents. Subsequently, Mr. Bennet should agree to give Lydia an allowance of 100 pounds per year as long as Mr. Bennet remains alive. Gardiner has also written that Wickham’s conditions are not too hard. However, all the members of Bennet family are happy with the news that Wickham will marry Lydia if his case is considered by them. They also praise the role of Mr. Gardiner to solve a serious problem with at least a satisfying solution.

Q 25. How does Mr. Bennet express his anger against Lydia?

Ans. When all the members of the Bennet family are happy with the news that Wickham will at last marry Lydia and they are in a jubilant mood, Mr. Bennet is not much affected by this development. In fact, Mr. Bennet continues to harbour a strong resentment against Lydia for the manner in which she had behaved and for the discredit which she has brought to the family. He bluntly tells his wife that he would never allow his daughter Lydia or her husband Mr. Wickham to enter his house. On the other hand, Mrs. Bennet and Elizabeth are happy for at least the marriage tie between them.

 Q 26. How does Darcy help the wedding of Lydia and Wickham?

Ans. Mrs. Gardiner in a letter to Elizabeth has written a detailed account of the circumstances which had led to Mr. Darcy’s participation in the marriage of Lydia and Wickham. She writes that it was as a result of Mr. Darcy’s efforts and trials that Wickham had agreed to marry Lydia. It was Mr. Darcy who had traced the whereabouts of the two. He requested Lydia to go back to her parents but she negated this proposal. Then, he discussed with Wickham who demanded huge amount of money to pay his debts in exchange of getting married to Lydia. Then Mr. Darcy provided the money as it was demanded by Wickham. Thus he saved the Bennet family and helped the wedding of Lydia and Wickham.

Q 27. What is Elizabeth’s changed attitude towards Darcy?

Ans. Elizabeth can’t understand why Darcy has helped Lydia and Wickham to get married. But, she clearly realises that it is Darcy who has rescued the name of the Bennet family and saved the future prospects of the unmarried Bennet sisters. She knows that Darcy has saved all of them from public disgrace. She now regrets all the unkind remarks which she has made to Darcy previously at different occasions. Darcy now rises greatly in Elizabeth’s estimation. She now thinks of making Darcy her husband. She says that Darcy is exactly that man who will perfectly suit her. Even, she goes on to meditate that a marital tie between her and Mr. Darcy would be an advantage for both of them.

Q 28. How does Mr. Bingley propose to Jane finally?

Ans. When Darcy has left for London to go back to Pemberley, Mr. Bingley visits Longbourn lonely. He spends an hour with the Bennet family in comfort and then is invited to join the dinner for the next day. On the following day, he duly comes and Elizabeth thinks that Bingley will soon propose to Jane. When Bingley gets an opportunity to have a conservation with Jane alone, he proposes to marry her as nobody else is present. Jane’s happiness knows no bound. Immediately she informs Elizabeth of her getting engaged to Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth also feels overjoyed to know that her hope is proved to be true. Jane goes and tells all about this happy event.

 Q 29. How does Lady Catherine warn Elizabeth and how is she replied by the latter?

Ans. Speaking to Elizabeth in an angry tone, Lady Catherine asks her if Elizabeth or any other of her family has circulated the news that Darcy will marry Elizabeth. Lady Catherine asserts that such a marriage is impossible as Darcy is engaged to her daughter Miss de Bourgh for a long time. She refers to Elizabeth’s social inferiority and asks if she is not ashamed to hear that Darcy is engaged to her daughter. Elizabeth replies that now Darcy has changed his mind and he can’t be prevented by anyone now. Elizabeth also says if she is Darcy’s choice now, she would accept this proposal. At this Lady Catherine says if Elizabeth gives the reply as once she was well treated by her. When Lady Catherine refers to her social inferiority, she says that she is a gentleman’s daughter. Lady Catherine then accuses Elizabeth of being selfish and callous girl. But, feeling too angry with Lady Catherine, Elizabeth answers that she does not wish to continue her conversation with Lady Catherine anymore and saying this, she leaves the places in no time.

3 thoughts on “29 Important Pride and Prejudice Questions and Answers”

  1. Excellent sir.if u were a lecturer in colleges or university it would have been a great help for the literature lover students. i respect ur enthusiasm to write for us. realy these materias are so helpful for students like us. THANK U SO MUCH SIR.WHEREFROM U R SIR?

  2. Sir I’ve one question
    That is
    What circumstances that led to Elizabeth’s development of prejudice against Mr Darcy ?


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