Space Fiction | Definition, Examples, Characteristics, Authors, Movie, TV Series
Space Fiction Space Fiction Definition Space fiction is a sub genre of Science fiction. Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction defines …
Space Fiction Space Fiction Definition Space fiction is a sub genre of Science fiction. Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction defines …
Types of Tragedy in Literature Tragedy , in the Aristotelian tradition serves the purpose of purging the soul by arising …
Dramatic Irony Definition of Dramatic Irony Dramatic Irony implies a contrast between appearance and reality. It is, as Moulton says, …
Comic Relief Comic Relief Definition Comic relief in tragic drama is introduction of comic scenes which relieve the tension created …
Theatre of the Absurd Essay What is Theatre of the Absurd? The Theatre of the Absurd is a term coined …
Gothic Novel in Literature Gothic Novel Definition Gothic Novel is a “genre of fiction characterized by mystery and supernatural …
Hamartia and Tragic Hero Hamartia Definition Hamartia, according to Aristotle means error of judgement. In tragedy, the hero should be …
Science Fiction What is Science Fiction? Science fiction is a genre of fiction in which the stories often tell about …
Epistolary Novel Epistolary Meaning The word epistolary is derived from the Latin ‘epistola’ which means a letter. The word epistle is an …
What is Poetry ? It is difficult to define poetry in cast-iron formula; Poetry has been variously defined. Johnson defines poetry as ‘metrical composition’; Wordsworth defines it …