Woman to Man, a Poem by Judith Wright | Summary and Analysis

Woman to Man” is a thought-provoking poem written by the eminent Australian poet Judith Wright. First published in 1949 as part of her debut collection, The Moving Image, the poem delves into the complexities of the human experience and the profound connection between man and woman. Through a masterful use of language and poetic techniques, Wright encapsulates the universal themes of love, intimacy, and the cycle of life.

Woman to Man, a Poem by Judith Wright | Summary and Analysis

Summary of the poem “Woman to Man” by Judith Wright

Stanza 1:

The poem begins with the speaker, a woman, contemplating her connection to a man, addressing him directly. She ponders the mysterious and enigmatic qualities that separate the two sexes. The woman acknowledges her role as the bearer of life, emphasizing the deep significance of her ability to conceive and nurture.

Stanza 2:

The speaker describes the physical act of love, referring to it as a union between two bodies. She likens the connection to a spiritual merging, suggesting that through this intimate act, they transcend their individuality and become united in a greater whole.

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Stanza 3:

The woman reflects on the essence of her femininity, comparing herself to a vessel that contains the potential for life. She envisions herself as a vessel waiting to be filled with the seeds of creation, emphasizing the power and importance of her role in the cycle of life.

Stanza 4:

The speaker contemplates the profound connection she shares with the man. She suggests that their love surpasses physical boundaries and extends into the realm of the soul. She likens their love to a river that flows eternally, a force that cannot be restrained or diminished.

Stanza 5:

The woman acknowledges the presence of pain and suffering in the world, alluding to the struggles that both men and women face. However, she believes that love can transcend these hardships and provide solace and comfort in times of darkness.

Stanza 6:

The speaker expresses her profound love and admiration for the man. She describes him as a source of strength and stability, someone who provides support and encouragement. She acknowledges the deep bond they share and expresses gratitude for his presence in her life.

Stanza 7:

The woman concludes the poem by reflecting on the enduring nature of their love. She suggests that love is an eternal force that transcends time and space, a flame that will continue to burn even after they are gone. She affirms that their love is a testament to the power of human connection.

Analysis of the poem, “Woman to Man” by Judith Wright

Theme of Love:

In “Woman to Man,” Wright explores the theme of love as she constructs the poem around the intimate conversation between a woman and her male partner. The poem captures the profound emotions and vulnerability associated with being in love through its lyrical language and heartfelt expressions. The author emphasizes the transformative power of love and its ability to create a deep and unbreakable bond.


The poet skillfully employs vivid and powerful symbolism in “Woman to Man” to enhance the overall meaning of the poem. The central image in the poem is that of a “seed” that encapsulates the potential for new life. This seed serves as a metaphor for both the physical and metaphorical aspects of love, highlighting the woman’s yearning for a deeper connection and the possibility of giving birth to a child.

Sensory Imagery:

Wright makes use of rich and evocative sensory imagery to intensify the emotional impact of the poem. The poem is replete with visual, auditory, and tactile descriptions, which immerse the reader in the intimate space shared by the two protagonists. Through sensory details such as “crimson bed,” “rain-dark tress,” and “swaying softness,” the poet offers the reader a vivid and sensual experience.

Metaphor and Simile:

Metaphor and simile are significant poetic devices employed by Wright to present layered meanings in the poem. Through metaphors such as “seed” and “mysterious river,” the poet explores pregnancy and its profound connection to the cycle of life. Similes, such as “water to water” and “thought to thought,” invite the reader to contemplate the interconnectedness of humanity and the fluidity of emotions.

Rhythm and Rhyme:

The use of consistent rhythm and rhyme scheme throughout “Woman to Man” contributes to a harmonious and musical quality. Wright’s skillful manipulation of meter and end rhymes strengthens the poem’s structure, adding to its overall cohesiveness. The rhythmic flow and euphonic sounds of the poem create a pleasant reading experience while emphasizing the profound connection between the two individuals portrayed.

Feminist Perspectives:

“Woman to Man” subtly touches upon feminist themes and challenges the patriarchal norms of the time. The poem explores the woman’s experience, desires, and fears, providing a glimpse into the complexities of female identity. It portrays the woman as an active participant in love, rather than a passive object, and highlights the transformative power of motherhood.

Historical Context:

Wright’s poem must be considered within its historical context to fully appreciate its significance. The mid-twentieth-century marked a period of great social and cultural change, greatly influencing Wright’s poetic exploration of love, intimacy, and female agency. By addressing these themes, the poet contributes to the feminist discourse of the time and establishes her own unique voice within the literary landscape.

Personal Reflection:

The emotional depth and personal resonance of “Woman to Man” add to its lasting appeal. The poem’s exploration of the complexities of love and motherhood resonates with readers across generations, allowing them to form their own interpretations based on personal experiences. Wright’s genuine and honest portrayal of the depth of human emotion in the poem evokes a meaningful and introspective response from the reader.


Judith Wright’s poem “Woman to Man” is a powerful and evocative exploration of love, intimacy, and the transformative power of human connection. Through the skillful use of poetic devices such as symbolism, metaphor, and rhythmic structure, the poet invites readers to contemplate the complexities of human experience. This thought-provoking poem contributes to feminist discourse, while its universality allows it to resonate with readers from diverse backgrounds and generations. “Woman to Man” stands as a testament to both Wright’s poetic brilliance and her ability to capture the human.


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